they live by day to day and give other characteristics of gentleness, passivity and emotionality a chance to come "out" as it were. That which must be supressed in the masculine role need not be supressed in the feminine. All of us develop behavior patterns, perfer- ences, and attitudes in the course of growing up which we find it wise to supress in the interest of presenting a proper masculine or feminine front to society. These supressed traits are simply inadmissible in the total personality that develops as a result of our education, training and social experience. But spuuression is not destruction. The traits remain there and are only brought out and expressed when the appropriate environment is created. This the TV accomplishes by moving into the femmeworld in outer appearance. Now gentility, daint- iness, beauty, ets. are appropriate and can be expressed without the encongruity that they would have in male attire. From there on, if one follows the path of greater worldly experience a second personality gradually accumulates around these bits and pieces.

Those whose motivations remain basically fetish- istic may, as mentioned previously, move on to the com- plete costume, largely because this is the only way they can share their interests with others. There would be no satisfaction in personal contacts, parties etc. where- in a bunch of men sat around mostly in men's clothes, but some wearing heels (which could be seen by others) and others wearing panties or corsets under their male attire. Ao in order to wear their fetishes in company so to speak they must adopt non-fetishistic bits of femme attire until they visibly represent the complete feminine picutre. However such persons rarely "feel" the role, they remain men in women's clothes, and many of them are well aware of this. Others are so but are nott consciously aware of it.

It is interesting that it is generally this type of person who, retaining his masculine characteristics of compeditiveness, aggressiveness, rationalism, etc. does not let himself go into the feminine role but remains just what he is--a man wearing feminine costu ne. He usually makes no attempt to moderate his behaviour, sity with legs in the same manner that his masculine voice and in the same manner that his masculine self would.